Friday, June 18, 2010

We have no history.

O you American West,
Bastard child of an orphan nation,
inherit your nothingness
and look out upon the rest of the world
with a numb and empty soul.

Of all the peoples in this world,
with their eras high and low,
histories illustrious and long,
only you have nothing to look back on.
Even your teenaged mother had nothing--
there wasn't even a father or a seed.

Everyone journeys West
chasing that elusive tomorrow sun.
What did they find at the edge of this New World?
Why, the End of the World, of course.

So now there's nothing new ahead
and there's nothing old behind.
Not for us at least
we can't even remember the countries
that our own parents descended from.
Southern Californian is my ethnicity.

Most people don't even think about it,
let alone realize it.
Whatever, right?
We have a new religion at the moment.

I guess this is our inheritance:
loneliness summed up in some stupid, insufferable poetry.
Yeah, well, that's the only thing we can truly relate to.

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