Monday, April 27, 2009

Other People's Heads

Sometimes I wonder what you think. I wonder what a lot of people think. What they feel and how they see things. I want to get inside of their heads. I worry that I'm the only one who thinks this way... the only one who reads into these things. I worry too much about everything, I suppose. My super ego is off da hook.

I saw a man at this Catholic cemetery on my way home from work one afternoon. The sunlight was very orange, and I was stopped at a red right. I don't know how or by what power it was that compelled me, but I witnessed this man at the cemetery through the wrought iron gates, praying beside a grave. It felt so intimate, such a quiet moment; I turned off my stereo so as not to disturb the peace of the moment. I wonder if anyone else was privy to this moment, and how many people in the world ever witness something like that, something solemn and foreign, yet so familiar to them. I won't say I felt some sort of connection to this man or anything, but I did feel connected at the moment, as if we had had some kind of interaction. I was filled with a sense of awe for a few moments.

I've recently discovered that falling in love is a hobby of mine. I've always known that I felt deeply for other people... not in some lame humanitarian way, more like... I feel like I would want to know everyone, in at least some way. Love, hate, pain, fondness... something. And I regret not having the time to know everyone. There's just something fascinating about learning and loving a person. That's why I love You so much, now. You are all of that, everything that I love about life.

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