Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Cupid

He has long hair, which I find pretty sexy. He keeps it tied up usually, with a rubber band. I wonder if the harsh rubber hurts, and if so, if I should offer the old pony tail hair band I wear around my right wrist constantly. He is unmistakably and yet subtly handsome. The first time I was with him in a room, I barely even noticed him. And even after I did, I still wrote him off. It took a course of a few days to notice the little things that were so attractive about him. He is tall and well built, but has something feminine about his face. I can't remember if his eyes are blue, brown, or green. His hair is long, but seems dirty and kind of greasy, and yet somehow I don't find this unappealing. His voice is low, slow, slightly drawling, which I'm sure comes from his backwater hometown. He is very quiet-- never says too much, the way I do. But sometimes I try to joke with him or flirt and when he smiles, he smiles like a boy. It's really quite adorable.

I want him to kiss my neck and lick my skin, and use his voice to seduce me. I want to suck on his fingers while he feels me, slips his hands under my clothes. And I want him to take me, but sensuously, at his leisure. I fantasize we are playing 7 Minutes in Heaven and we make out in a closet while groping each other. I want him to want me. He has an incredible understated magnetism.

And at the end of the day, I go home and he is no more. When I wake up in the morning, I do not think of him first. He's just one of hundreds of Adonis's who will stir my heart and my body before dying and being reborn again and again and again.

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