Sunday, August 23, 2009

All of the Goodness and Beauty in the World

Waiting fervently on the platform, I did not see you exit the train as I searched desperately through the crowds. Turning around in circles, our eyes met and I could remember each spot of light in your star-bright eyes. I wanted to jump into your arms, but I restrained my feelings as I ran to meet you, my clumsy body fumbling to meet yours as I toppled into your embrace. And when I looked up I saw green and gold and gray and blue in your magical ever-changing eyes, multiple facets of shades and colors that danced like a kaleidescope with the receding angles of the setting sun.

When I look into them I feel like I am peering into the future, the past, into all of history and time and life's mysterious secrets and I can't help but wonder what exactly it is that you are, that stares back at me, and what it sees in turn. They stare right through me and clear away the hate and the pain and jadedness and draw out my purity, all of the good that wants to come out of me and love you and love the world. It saddens me to think of these things that pollute my mind and my spirit, but at the same time you comfort me with your seemingly infinite patience and understanding.

We hold hands as we cross old brick paths, so well worn with partings and reunions, travel and return, creation and destruction. We are immortal beings who watch over the earth below from the lofty heavens, where dreams float up to us like little birds that play in the sky. I am calm and content and filled with felicity. The clear blue sky quickly dims, and we walk on into the twilight.

And at night you say my name over and over again and how much you love me as we move together, and our hearts and bodies swell with emotion as tears come to my eyes and stream down my cheeks because the thought of being with you and loving you is too beautiful to even fathom. And when I close my eyes there is nothing but blackness and powerful intense feelings permeating everything, straight to my soul, and it is as though I have completely given myself up to my sensations. And all I can possibly think about is how wonderful and beautiful life can be.

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