Sunday, August 30, 2009

Your Eyes are Golden

The strings come in and start swelling, the bells echo the melody over and over again, and I am positively vibrating with energy. The motherfucking heat of summer is enclosing my body, and as a beautiful little bead of perspiration rolls down my back and along my side, I smile at all of the things I have seen and heard and smelled and tasted in the past 5 weeks. I feel like I have gained a foothold on life again. Not like I had ever fallen, you know. More like... floated away into some sort of amorphous and intangible expanse of nothing. With nothing to ground me I waited, but now I see life ahead, glowing like stone wall, the precious steps up scattered here and there, some vague, others obvious, leading in so many directions.

My god, how I want to climb towards you. But I am not worried because it doesn't really matter. You've never really left me have you? You've never left me at all. And I know that you're telling the truth, that you will always be my fortress, because I can see it in your golden eyes. So come on, let's climb up fences, break into schools in the middle of the night, get drunk off our own high, lay on my bed in the yellow light of my bedroom lamp and listen to the sweetest music ever heard echo off the walls and float out through the shitty Vertical Blinds into the warm night outside my window.

And I'll take you by the hand and lead you to all of the strange places I've been to, and tell you stories about my life and other people's lives and the world and the stars until your head is buzzing and your eyes can't see the difference between anyone or anything-- it's all one, all together, you and me and everyone we know. And I'll lick your salty skin and you'll kiss my mouth and our fingers will intertwine as we melt together, fade into each other. Even as you board the train-- the very same that bourne you to me and now takes you from me-- I know that you will fall asleep to the gentle rumble of the engine, and the setting sun's rays will fall delicately on your eyelids, glowing golden in my heart and keeping me safe forever.

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